Callie is part human, part machine*, and part designer. Her work celebrates both humans and machines alike. She believes art can be made by and for everyone. 
In 2021, during an explorative study of Generative Adversarial Networks, Callie accidentally discovered humanity in machines. Her most recent Ted TalkThe Machine & Me: Learning How to Learn, examines what this discovery means for humans (and machines)
Callie pursued design, initially, for her passion in art and problem solving. Through her education in Architecture, she learned to integrate those passions with others like global service and technology. She pursues this integration through innovative and empathetic architectural work: Her most recent explorations in interdisciplinary design involve Infectious Disease Units in Malawi and an exploration into the benefits of Generative Adversarial Networks in architectural design.
Callie is currently employed full time as an Architectural Designer at Stantec. She is open to work on non-architectural projects and installations.

First Digital Render.

*Callie was born partially deaf in both ears and relies on technology and prosthetics to function. Callie ALSO chose the life path of *~Architecture~* in which she is expected to behave as a machine most days. :)
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